Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I read that this 5 minute video was produced by a David Christenson of Salt Lake City. It is titled "Preserve, Protect, Defend–the LDS View of the Constitution."

It is of note that Ezra Taft Benson has said that the US Constitution would be saved by “enlightened members of the church” as well as “citizens of the nation who love and cherrish freedom.” So, it will not defacto be saved by LDS people, as many of them are part of the problem, part of that which destroys liberty, the “more part of the righteous” having been “seduced” to “believe in the works” of and “partake of the spoils” of the gadianton robbers, thus enabling “secret combination to flourish.”

Remember too that Ezra Taft Benson said this, and it applies to nearly all Romney supporters professing to be LDS, good people surely, but clueless on real issues:

“If America is destroyed, it may be by Americans who salute the flag, sing the national anthem, march in patriotic parades, cheer Fourth of July speakers - normally good Americans who fail to comprehend what is required to keep our country strong and free - Americans who have been lulled away into a false security.” (April 1968, General Conference Report)


The Begleys said...

Does this mean that Mitt Romney is a Gadianton robber?


Glenn Ostlund said...

I'm open to the idea of government corruption and people being aware of what is happening around them -- civic responsibility and all that -- but a dictatorship? A return to the dark ages? Really? This video would have been more helpful if it would have demonstrated where the current government has deviated from the constitution -- to show instead of tell -- and then to offer attainable solutions (not to just solicit a vote for the next, um, dictator). Over-inflated scare rhetoric doesn't do it.

TLars said...

Welcome random accountant from Afghanistan!

I can see why you could feel that the video might be more helpful if your noted changes were made. However, I see it a little differently. I'm not sure if you are LDS or not, but the video is obviously geared at members of the LDS church. Thus, I see the video as a sort of wake-up-call to members of the Mormon faith in that our leaders have told us that we have a spiritual responsibility to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States. So, I guess your response depends upon what your end goal is. If the intent of the video was to show, outline, and explain all instances of deviations from the constitution, then yes, it has failed. If the intent of the video is to say, hey, LDS people, you're leaders have warned you for over 200 years that the Founding Fathers intent of the constitution would be manipulated and massacred and that we have a heavenly responsibility to seek out political leaders who will return us to the original intent of what our founding fathers outlayed with the constitution; well, then, I'd have to say the video attempts to, and to a large part successfully, accomplish that purpose.

Oh, and Collin, for now, I'll just suffice it to say that from what I have read and heard from Mitt Romney, we do not see eye-to-eye on preserving, protecting, and defending the constitution.

Glenn Ostlund said...

Sorry about that. My wife blogs under "mad queen" so I changed my name to "pissed king" just as a joke, and forgot to change it back.

Well, even given your stated purpose of being a wake-up call to the Saints (don't I look like a Saint? if you look close enough, you can even see the g-line) -- it doesn't have a lot of meat to it. I can say "wake up, the sky is falling" but without anything to back it up, it is not much of a wake up call.

I'm not trying to be snide (like C-dawg). I'm genuinely interested to see the details on the threads the constitution is hanging by. Like I said, I'm open to the idea. I grew up hearing that the Book of Mormon was written for our day, and so the gadianton model for government idea is not such a stretch to my mind, but I still want to see more substance and not get caught up by the fear of it all, or the arrogance (and I am a naturally arrogant person -- ask sara) of claiming that I can see what few other people can see without showing really good evidence. I still think that the "dictator" and "dark age" comments are pretty ridiculous statements to make. If there is support for it, show me. I'll listen.

TLars said...


Wasn't sure if you noticed, but my most recent post, "War" partially answers your question, and I posted a quick response to your question in my own comment to "War".